Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Weak Without Walls reflection

Submerged underwater, tangled by the opposing currents desperately trying to regain view of the surface. That was my first time surfing. I sat on top of the surfboard concentrating on my balance as it constantly shifted with the incoming waves. My feet thumped as the blood slowed down in my feet due to the cold water. The waves towered over me rising me up and down as they flowed forward. I peddled nearer to shore as the waves were crashing in close. I sat by waiting for the next set to come. The ocean was still but i knew something big was gonna come in soon. I started to feel the rising in the ocean as the set was approaching. I positioned myself sideways to get a good view of both angels. Thats when i noticed something was wrong.
I look back as the wave started to approach me. I realized i was floating right where the wave would come down. I started to panic as i desperately swam away from the wave. My board was glued to the same spot. I wasn't moving anywhere. The wave was approaching at a rate faster than i could react. I decided to start paddling towards it in hope of getting over it before it came down. The wave was meters away. Thats when i came to the conclusion that i was gonna get slammed by the wall of water. At times, desperate measures are the only hope. I had previously been instructed by the guides to never throw the board without a conscious view of your surroundings. I simply didn't care. My whole body rose upwards as the wave was about to crash down on me. I grabbed to board and through it into the blue. I simply braced for impact by curling into a ball covering my head. From one second to the next, calmness changed into a madness. My whole body submerged into a rapid fight of currents. My body was spun around like clothes in a washing machine. Then it was all gone. I rose to the surface and gasped for air. I looked around disoriented looking for my point of reference. The small hut still sat right in front of me. I took a deep breath calmly got back on the board.
I had loved every moment of what had just happened. I had discovered something i never thought i would enjoy. The ocean, the waves, the surfing.     

Week Without Walls pre reflection

Surfing has always struck my interest due to my love of snowboarding but my interest in surfing only goes so far due my interest in the ocean which is severely limited. The Chilean waters have always traumatized me due to the cold antarctic waters that is has and i have always feared getting attacked by a shark regardless of the chilean habitat that does not correspond to sharks. My main incentive to attend this trip is because i'm not only going to learn how to surf but i'm going with almost all my closest friends which makes it a lot more worthwhile. I love the beach, and the sunny weather which motivated me to go and alongside that, i had never been to la Serena and some of the most famous islands that we would be traveling to like Isla Damas. The whole idea of going to a sunny beach and staying there for a weak surfing with good friends sounds like paradise and i think its going to be a great trip.     

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lack of Identity

Daniel Alacon lack of identity

Lack of knowledge, or the absence of exposure to the world is usually filled in by ignorance or illogical reasoning or in many times a generalized identity. We as people surround ourselves by basic pictures which represent our background in which we use them to identify one another. But there is one thing we don't acknowledge, many of these identities are seen incorrectly. This is the case for Latin America.
Daniel Alarcon, a peruvian writer represents the broken image that we associate ourselves to. A multilateral heritage which has inevitably led to his misinterpretation and a personal lack of confidence. From the example demonstrated in the book where the old lady was misled and wanted to believe that he had prospered having come from a poor family which was all false, to his own personal views on how he regard life. Always looking down at things instead of appreciating the good of what has come.
This issue tends to influence our global image as we constantly corrupt it by tinting it with black ink. We throw layer after layer of misinterpreted thoughts and ideas that eventually we as people produce a whole new idea which is completely irrelevant to the reality that exists behind that image. We paint what we want see and we teach what we want to know but the real truth is redirected and forgot. And for those who are associated with that image hide behind it because its not the truth that people see, its the black ink that they painted on it.

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Islamic State

Like an unwanted weed in a crop field, ISIS, an extremist militant group claimed to represent the voice of allah is sprouting from under the grounds of Iran and Syria. Lead by a self proclaimed caliph, Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi, asserts the shadow of the prophet Mohammed as he claims religious authority over muslims across the globe.
ISIS or ISIL short for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or Levant consist of extremist point of views. This sunni-extremist group is oriented around an ideology based on the idea of the muslim brotherhood which was the very first Islamic group. This ideology is centered around a salafi methodology which reflects on the messenger of Allah, Muhammad. Muhammad stated the following, “The people from my own generation are the best, then those who came after them”. This concept is grasped with the idea that muslims must follow the example of the first generations, that being the Salaf.
This self proclaimed state promotes an “Islamic belief” based on their ideologies, but they go further than just the promotion of their extremist views. They apply, religious violence which they condemn as appropriate to situations. Individuals who do not believe in their ways are deemed infidels and or apostates. Their governed lands and highly regulated according to the laws of islam, and any small infractions are resulted in harsh punishments such as whipping.
They practise a form of genocide towards religious minorities and even to very muslims in hope of sparking fear which could help migrate individuals increasing their population.
ISIL implies practises that contradict all believes stated by the Qur'an, use the vulnerable minds of small children to create future soldiers by brainwashing them with incoherent lies, and carelessly paint a darker image of muslims than already exist.
These militants portray an idea and a goal, but in reality, they believe in their own lie to cover up for what ultimately is a terrorist organization trying to create havoc and war between states. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is not a descendant of muhammad, he is a corrupt extremist with connections and previous power.         

Camila Vajellos Impact

A disguised oppression of injustices swarmed the streets with untold proportions. Voices that were heard but not understood by the right winged government ruled by president Sebastian Piñera. A whisper that eventually crossed path with Camila Vallejo, the president of the student body at the University of Chile. That is the story of the revolutionary stand which impacted the world as student bodies stood up for their voices.
The so called “business” was the word used to describe the educational system run by president Piñera. A right that had turn into a consumers good ruled the chilean world for decades. The result of Camila Vallejos power to bring an uprising of young oppressed, and desperate citizens took the world by surprise as it revealed its hidden and unspoken truths.
Uprisings and protest are the result of discomfort in superior decisions which are expressed through verbal standings. These standings are usually concluded with injury and absolutely no progress nor impact towards the voices of the country. It is only when someone with a proper motif, an enchanting figure, and a voice loud enough to be heard that change will be successful. Thats the answer that Camila vallejo brought forward. Like divine intervention, she struck the heart of chilean protesters and refigured the thoughts of an untouched government. It wasn't the small changes that impacted the world, but her resilience and momentum. A light which flickered in the shadow of santiago was finally starting to light up.
In a world of disagreement, coexistion is nearly impossible without dispute. A result which has been seen throughout history from the encounters of the untouched worlds in the Incan Ruins, to modern day Islamic groups growing as they fight to express in what they believe is the way to life. Revolutionaries are not the answers to conflict, but the voices that express the polished side to things. They speak for the hidden prospect which may not be demonstrated through proper virtue but is the result of a better ending.
Camila Vallejo, a prominent figure in chilean society, demonstrated compassion and a continued perseverance towards what she could call her people. A result that showed not success but strength and hope in the people. She laid down the ground rules for the promonet future which for once was a hidden voice is know a spoken one with meaning.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Opinion On Obama Speech

Chris Whalen
Obama Speech

Obama delivered a powerful yet deceptive speech to not only the American public but to the world. An escalating problem which he proclaimed to have under control yet he contradicts himself by perpetually doing what he says is wrong, that being killing those who innocently stand in the path of evil. All actions that the United States fore takes in foreign soil such as that of ISIS, more hate will sprout around the world potentially creating deeper roots of threats. Various sources state that Muslim individuals from foreign soils are pertaining to ISIS. This leads me to conclude that as easily as these individuals exited their home countries could they reenter causing collateral damage. This wouldn't just cause damage but a further expansion of the ISIS roots into further wealth and heavier influence. Obama's strategic plan may scratch the surface but in order to eliminate ISIS, issues must be tackled from inside. These strikes are going to trigger anger and simply cause more civilian death contradicting all said and believed in by Obama.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Trust and Responsibility

Chris Whalen
Mr. James
short story writing
Trust and Responsibility

Approaching ones insecurity can be a radical move, but in order to overcome stages of confusion or insecurity the fear must be confronted. Hemingway approaches this idea with a metaphor associated with a hidden message. An insecure situation which two confused lovers are confronted with, presented by the words “hills like white elephants”. The story is shaped around a dialogue in which results in a bickering of inconclusive thoughts as the girls desperately derails the content of the conversation. Although Hemingway illustrated the story in a very board like spectrum leaving gaps in the storyline for the reader to fill in as he pleases, many things were evident as to hint what the conflict was.
When we as people are placed outside of our comfort zone we tend to peak at the situation instead of looking straight on. This idea was hinted by placing the alcoholic drinks during their conversation. Alcohol is usually associated with the wanting to escape. We can view it as a motif to evade the reality of a situation replacing it with a fantasy. The reality of alcohol is that it allows for gaps that cause us fear to momentarily be filled. Jig, as mentioned once by the american emphasizes that they never do anything but go out and try new drinks promoting the fact that their relationship is taking place in the dark.
Hemingway portrays their discomfort by placing them in a tranquil yet awkward situation which both lack the answer to the situation. Not only does the american misinterpreted various phrases the girl says to him, but he refuses to understand them. There's a huge lack of cohesion between the couple which is what impedes them from truly trusting each other on their opinions which is what matters.
When discussing matters regarding trust, David Foster presents a story that revolves around the lack of responsibility and trust. A childs world works like a sponge, it absorbs any surrounding action, knowledge, ideas, in order to fill in the missing gaps. The fact that a child's world is abundant is space, in the process of being filled with various factors such as knowledge means that it is the babies parents responsibility to compensate for that missing knowledge while it learns. In “Incarnations of burned children”, a plot based on an accidental spill of a pot of hot water on a baby is presented. The story then goes on to express a moment of shock, negligence, and desperation. A moment in which the parents tried to react but the actions wouldn't follow through.
Although the cause of the horrific event was an “accident”, an accident is simply the lack of responsibility. A baby acts more as a material object than a mobile human, depending on its parents to watch out for it. An object won't move if the owner doesn't move it, which implies that a baby won't react if placed in a situation of which it may not know. It is a parents job to prevent a situation that may harm its child especially if the parents don't know how to react.

Both Hemingway and David Foster portray a plot that involves the lack of trust, responsibility, and confrontation. A couple with a relation that resides in the dark, and a baby that its relation with its mom is placed in the dark. Both the couple and the baby with the mom are looking at “hills with white elephants” because they are portrayed in situations that no one is secure in. They are confronted by something that makes them hide within their shells yet they don't wanna step out because they fear something is gonna eat them up. Trust, acceptance, responsibility and conquering ones hardest moments are what shape us as humans, and thats what these two story characters lack.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Long Form Piece

I sat motionless, blankly staring down at the abyss. The sound that surrounded me echoed in my head, but nothing made sense to me. All this was the result of an unconscious decisions that had simply become the product of a strong friendship. A reaction that by nature lead me straight into the fight. The same decision that landed me into the chilean correctional facilities.
A type of question that when asked to many, answer with a fictitious lie. “Would you jump in front of car for a friend?”. Its easy to spit out words or a simple yes, as most of us do, but when put in the situation most of us just run away because its the easiest thing to do. Taking a blow for a friend is what separates those who you mean something to, with those who are just puppets in your everyday life.
My hands cuffed behind me as i restlessly tried to calm myself and sit still. I looked down at my light blue shirt recreating patterns with the blood stains that had dripped down from my broken nose. I had been stripped of all my rights and placed in a situation that i had never been in. My heart beat was irregular and my eyesight blurry. A room filled with juvenile delinquents that screamed out helpless words slowly accumulating the guards anger as if every word they spat out was just another mosquito flying by their ear. I tried to camouflage myself but my American heritage shot right back at me. I stood out like a tall man in a short croud.
The cell door opened as another juvenile was thrown in. I quickly glanced up from the corner trying to avoid eye contact. A bulky but short teenager furiously stared at two of the guards that had just thrown him in. “Fat Fu@#,” he blurted out. The cell door was slammed open as the two guards stomped inside. “Everyone up and against the wall!” My heart started pounding on my chest. I quickly moved to the wall. I pressed my jaw tightly, laid my head against the wall and closed my eyes. Behind me, screams that one would only recognize from a horror movie flew out of the teenagers mouth as the corrupt guards relentlessly beat him.
It took me a while to realize it was all over. My mind and body had gone out of synchronization as i could not think nor move. The teenager had no marks on his face but it was clear that the beating they had given him was only done in hidden spots. “You fine?” i heard a voice call from a distance which seemed familiar but couldn't figure it out. “Yeah, im fine” i replied emotionless. Time paused and i simply was no longer thinking. I had become a statue with no emotion.
Change and understanding only occurs when an individual goes to one end and back. When one is presented and placed in a hard situation and takes the step forward to face it. This is what builds us as people and enables us to see the deeper meanings to things.
I was placed in a situation were defending my friends stood in front of all the outcomes that resulted from the incident. I went through a day that felt like a year and all through that, i was suffering. Put at my limits and tested for my weaknesses but in the end, i came out stronger and with a deeper meaning to friendship and life. The best way to learn, is the hard way, because any other way is only scratching the surface. Loyalty to one another is the key to success and if it requires you to fall for someone, fall, but stand back up and do it better the second time.     

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Loyalty. An invisible bond that distinguishes real relationships with those that are fictitious. On a day to day basis, we as humans are presented with decisions that demonstrate our feelings for one another, constantly taking sides. With some we latch like two opposing magnets while with others we automatically can not bond. We by nature and instinct are biased to one another and unconsciously will bond with some better than others, but ultimately the whole matter revolves around one simple but complex subject, that being; loyalty and its outcomes.  
Like a mother protects her child, a true friend protects his friends. When someone who you care or love is placed in a situation that places them at risk, it is your right to stand by them and take as many blows as the situation presents in order to defend or protect that individual.
It is a simple task to act and state that someone is a good friend but the only way these things can be determined is when a situation that puts yourself at risk occurs. In a situation where your friend is at risk, would you stand in front of him, or would you throw him in front of you?
Loyalty is the invisible bond that connects us, but without it, it would be like two positively charged magnets forcible tapped together.
The article will include my experience through a hard decision that was taken in order to protect my friends and the reality and outcomes that are produced with every decision that is taken.   

Pitch Letter

Mr. Editor,
Any spontaneous reaction is the product of a bewildered situation. A decision that is taken with no prior judgement of the consequences. Ultimately, these decisions result in life changing experiences that unfortunately many times alters how one behaves and thinks. These are the elements in peoples lives that build up to create a difference. The moments that shape and create our understanding of the real meaning of life and the value behind it. In order to see the light you must first live in the darkness and suffer the reality that surrounds it.
As a result of my experience, I present Change and Loyalty, an article projecting the reality that confronted me on the late morning of January 2nd, revealing the oblivious consequences that identify themselves in moments of despair. I will tell the story from my perspective and how every action i proceeded to take resulted against me. How loyal can you be? Would you take a bullet for a friend? I plan on interviewing my lawyer with the purpose of answering what the true consequences are of taking such actions and risks, alongside what could ultimately be the result of a spontaneous reaction without thinking.
As a victim of spontaneous reactions, i express the true consequences and define what the real meaning of friendship is through the telling of my experience. We are surrounded by a pessimistic world where loyalty towards your loved ones may be the only thing protecting you.

Thanks you.


Christopher Whalen